How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

@karenerwin it is great to see you are going to take a try at the hatch-a-along, so are you going to be sharing your experience with the children in your school I only ask because when one of my boys was younger I would bring my incubator in to his class for three weeks and allow the kids to enjoy watching young life develop and the candling was filmed so the children could see it on the big screen in class and each steep was expended as it was a special needs class for autistic and children did not develop correctly ..
@gander007 No, I don't bring the incubator in to my school. I teach 7th & 8th grade Pre-Algebra. However, our 6th grade science teachers do hatch eggs as part of their curriculum and I have given fertile eggs to my daughter's high school for the zoology teacher to hatch.
It's pretty convenient for me that the 6th grade teachers hatch eggs, because they always give me the chicks when they are through! The hatch cornish cross chicks so for the last 3 years that is where I get my meat chicks. Last year one of the middle school's cornish cross eggs didn't hatch. (I think the teacher was messing with them too much). So I ended up giving her some of my fertile eggs to try again with. That time she got a few of them to hatch, but not nearly as many as she should have. I got most of those as well. I think there was 1 student whose parents agreed to take a few of them.
The friend that is putting some of her eggs in my incubator is wanting to come over for the egg candling. She has never hatched eggs before and is hoping to learn things through this hatch. I hope we have a good hatch!
That is awesome that you were able to share the hatching experience with so many special needs kids (or any kid for that matter!)

5 eggs

3 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range group

This is one of the prime reason I get a low egg count from the free range chickens

Temp for the day was 84F degrees
@penny 1960
Sorry about your pullet.
I lost two more again, 4 quarrentined. Looks like this cocci has bite harder on them. Its getting out of hand. Temp 35 degrees and above these days.
Eggs count for today: 28/37 and 8/12.
Hope to get through it! Huh!
@penny 1960
Sorry about your pullet.
I lost two more again, 4 quarrentined. Looks like this cocci has bite harder on them. Its getting out of hand. Temp 35 degrees and above these days.
Eggs count for today: 28/37 and 8/12.
Hope to get through it! Huh!
Thank you, I am sorry your still dealing with the cocci have you been able to identify the strain they have of the four?

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