How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2 egg's today

Temp 113 F degrees

We found our first egg on Monday, and then our second. Two more on Tuesday and Wednesday. Three on Thursday and Friday. MY WAIT IS OVER!!!!
I have a question about my nest buckets if anyone could help...we have 12 hens but only 4 are actually laying and we have 5 question is why do they only lay in two of the 5 nests instead of going to the other available nests?
I have a question about my nest buckets if anyone could help...we have 12 hens but only 4 are actually laying and we have 5 question is why do they only lay in two of the 5 nests instead of going to the other available nests?
Ah, if you find a definitive answer to that you've answered one of the great mysteries of life! I wonder if it isn't like married couples finding early on which side of the bed they want to claim, and never deviating from that no matter where they find themselves - Aunt Bertha's guest room, motels when on vacation, etc. I'm teasing....actually they do this because they feel more secure laying where they see others already have. They want to build up a clutch and they don't much care that not all of the eggs in that nest are their own. So when they see an egg or two, they figure this must be a pretty safe place to start a family. I have 28 birds and 5 nests. They use 3 of them. Go figger!

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