How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8 egg's today

5 egg's from the control group

3 egg's from the free range group
I think some one is making a nest under the shed

Temp to day 99 F degrees with 55.3 humidity dark clouds all day with a 1 minute storm that dropped 1/2 inch of rain, strange weather today
8 egg's today

5 egg's from the control group

3 egg's from the free range group
I think some one is making a nest under the shed

Temp to day 99 F degrees with 55.3 humidity dark clouds all day with a 1 minute storm that dropped 1/2 inch of rain, strange weather today

The shed seems to be a favorite place for some of your birds to hide their eggs!
15/28 Not sure anymore who is laying, who is close, and whose just in the coop for the free dinners. <sigh> But we know for sure Daphne the EE quit laying long ago, which leaves 3 out of the original EEs out there still laying. There were 4 new EEs in the flock of Littles. So out of 7 laying EEs I got 5 blue eggs yesterday. We also know for sure that one of the Light Brahmas is laying little pinkish colored eggs. Problem is that the nests which were more than adequate in size for the others are too cotton pickin' small for the Brahmas. If there's an egg in the nest when she goes in there, it'll be broken when she comes out. But at least she leaves one behind to make up for the one she broke.
15/28 Not sure anymore who is laying, who is close, and whose just in the coop for the free dinners. <sigh> But we know for sure Daphne the EE quit laying long ago, which leaves 3 out of the original EEs out there still laying. There were 4 new EEs in the flock of Littles. So out of 7 laying EEs I got 5 blue eggs yesterday. We also know for sure that one of the Light Brahmas is laying little pinkish colored eggs. Problem is that the nests which were more than adequate in size for the others are too cotton pickin' small for the Brahmas. If there's an egg in the nest when she goes in there, it'll be broken when she comes out. But at least she leaves one behind to make up for the one she broke.
Hey Blooie, what hatchery did you get your easter eggers at? :)
I got last years EEs from My Pet Chicken. This year I picked them at Shipton's Big R up in Billings. Happy with both groups. Well, I'd be happier if Daphne would remember that she has a job to do, but other than that they've all been healthy and all I could ask for in EEs.

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