How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Got another blue/green today. Identical in size and shape to, (but ever so very slightly darker in color than) the one I got yesterday. Could it be the same layer, or are all three Easter Eggers laying at 19 weeks?
6 Chicken egg's today

5 egg's from the control group

1 egg from the free range group

Temp 109 F degrees and archly cloudy all day but when I drove to town which is an hour away the clouds let loose with something that made me turn on the wipers ,,, funny how a little distance makes ...
I got 11 eggs today. Notice the light tan egg and the pattern going around it. I think it looks like it must be an egg from an alien, ha ha. The egg is oval and there's a circle in it with lines going through it I don't know if you can make that out or not but I thought it looked pretty funny. And also do you see the egg right beside it? I have bragged before about some of the huge eggs I've had and now I can brag about this is the littlest one that I have had yet.


I've had three of these little small eggs but never went this tiny. Just thought I'd share.

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