How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Well, been a long time since I posted an egg count. We were back in South Dakota for week, so daughter-in-law was chicken sitting for me. Also been some changes in the dynamics here. We culled 3 roos, which brought the Little count down to 11.

Yesterday we had 6/9+ 14 Littles and 8 Tinys.
Today we had 7/10 +10 Littles and 8 Tinys

If that's confusing, look at it this way. Yesterday we had 9 layers plus 14 Littles and 8 Tinys. Then today we culled 3 Littles, which should have left us with 11 Littles BUT one of the Littles laid her first egg this afternoon - just a little tiny dark brown pullet egg! Yippee!! So now we are minus 4 Littles and ahead one layer. Clear as mud?
My count (yesterday) was:

8/16 + 7 Littles and 9 Tinys.

Had to have a "walkabout" while carrying my alpha roo under my arm. He was being a bad boy and drew blood from my hand.

We had a little talk and I don't think he'll be a problem (for a while anyway).

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