How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We got our first 2 eggs today from our three RIRs we bought one month ago! My boys were so excited to find them finally!!!

Those first few eggs are so exciting. I remember my first one... I was moving the girls outside for the first time because of bad weather for weeks delaying the coop building. I moved a box In the brooder room and found one. I was jumping for joy. My profile picture is of the next day. My son found it under the coop... Moments later my rooster attacked him cutting him up and causing me to ban the kids from the chicken yard unless the evil one was pinned up...

We were going to replace him but by that time the store no longer had chicks. Now that they are older the evil one is very fertile but still attacks... Every egg I've opened save 3-6 in the last few months have been viable and I've even hatched a few. 2 under hen, 2 under a heat lamp and she's adopted 4 that we got to mix our blood a little.

I've now got an incubator so u
I want to do about 18 to test it out. I figure that we can make them meat birds or sell the chicks. From great stock.

One of my hatchlings is male so I'm going to separate him with his own ladies and see if he's as productive. I hope he's more docile. Any suggestions on working with him at this young age? Should I bring him inside and hand raise him or continue to let momma?
We got our first 2 eggs today from our three RIRs we bought one month ago! My boys were so excited to find them finally!!!

I was expecting my new hens to take four or five months to start laying. How old were those birds when you acquired them? I'm looking for hope that I may not have to still wait another 2.5 months for eggs :)

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