How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

1/2 lost a golden comet to a coyote and the replacement ee is not laying quite as prolifically. Hard to beat hybrids but the green eggs have been fun!
Sorry for your loss
8, I think/18

I have 4 broodies, so not getting eggs from them, of course.



I know right. My momma just took hers outside for the first time.




That little pin works wonders to keep them in 1 place. Got to clip wings though. 1 figured out how to escape already.

I just upgraded the indoor crew as well...

They love their little branch. Bigger brooder set up. To bad momma hen didn't accept these 4. They are over a week younger so I guess she knows what she's doing with the 6 she has.
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I don't know what brand of brown layers that you own but this time of the year your production is totally unacceptable.  Make sure that your hens haven't hidden or stolen a nest or two away from hungry human eyes.  I would also like to see the guaranteed feed analysis that by Federal law comes on each and every sack of chicken feed. 
Try black strap molasses or cayenne pepper in their feed for about a week. This got mine going. I make my feed into a mash with some broth and cayenne or molasses and oats.
1 broody hen raising chicks = no eggs
1 hen still recovering from unknown weightloss = no eggs
4 healthy happy laying hens = only 3 eggs. (someone is hiding their eggs)

1 duck at laying age = 1 egg
2 ducks not yet laying = no eggs

Grand total 4 eggs today!
Can anyone help me decide if I have two new layers or one?! A four and a half mo. Crele Orp and a five and a half mo. old Lav Australorp...
Could I have one layer that is messin' with my head or the two that I've waited for?

Left laid yesterday and right laid today!


Oh, and we broke our 'old' record and got SIX eggs today! Woot!

So, either 6/6/9 or 6/7/9 (?) Lol.
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