How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

5/6/7 nice. Momma hen still sitting those last 2 eggs. She just need to stay on them another 3 days.... I'm working on getting the heat lamp perfectly angled just incase I need to save them. Both babies are good. Momma taught them to eat and drink well today.

:jumpy :cd

Happy family
Did you add layers recently?

Did you add layers recently?

just the 24 white rock chicks on the 26th of feb, but their not ready to lay yet... they are now just 7 weeks old an around 1 pound+ eating like piglets ... the 18 leghorns I have left are from the 26 I bought a year ago ..... the hens are doing better than I figured they wood with the drop of half the flock! I also sold 9/10 Wyandotte's that set the egg count earlier as high as 28 if I remember right?

?? well what can I say! other than I need to go back to grammar school to learn to count on all my fingers an toes! lol I had stated that I have 18 leghorn hens and I have to admit I counted wrong again!!! lol rounded the little ladies up and recounted them with two full hands and five toes on one bare foot... to total 15 "THATS RIGHT 15 LEGHORN LADIES" !! so I apologize for my lack of brightness on this gloomy overcast day today an yesterday. so the egg count today is 11 eggs for 15 ladies? maybe ??? lol ? maybe some of the ladies were double yokers!

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