How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I'm getting over 20 dozen a week just in duck eggs! Having 300 ducks is clearly a BAD obsession! Need to sell lots of eggs to keep up! My incubator can only handle 400 at a time! :)
How do you get all of those duck eggs sold? I have 3 Cayuga hens and get roughly 2 dozen per week. I have one lady who I barter a dozen a week to, other than takers. I usually boil the extras and feed them back to both the ducks and chickens. I love my it doesn't matter. They are so darn cute. I love to hear them quack and watch them waddle around....and their obsession with water is just flat adorable!!!
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Look at mamma hiding those eggs from the big bad thunderstorm. I found a leak in the coop so I rushed to TSC to get a tarp and fresh bedding... She's all happy again.. Added the little feeder and waterer today as well...
I could have sworn I commented on this.....but don't see it....weird! Anyways, she sure looks comfy and her set-up looks cozy and nice!!!

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