How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Look at mamma hiding those eggs from the big bad thunderstorm. I found a leak in the coop so I rushed to TSC to get a tarp and fresh bedding... She's all happy again.. Added the little feeder and waterer today as well...
Go Peewee!!!!!!!! Is Buttercup an EE from me? None of mine have ever gone broody...just Peewee...the production White Leghorn!

I would love to pick your brain to see what you do differently than me!

PM me. We can compare notes!
Chicken: 15/17/17
7 blue
6 brown
2 white

Duck: 3/3/3

Day 7 with 32 Cream Legbar eggs in the incubator, all developing except for 2.

Looks great! Good luck!
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Today I got 8 eggs from 6 hens. Well, and 3 pullets that weren't laying yet, that I was aware of.

One of the eggs was a tiny pullet egg. But if any of my other pullets laid an egg for the first time today, it's as large as any of my 1+ year old and 2 year old hens' eggs.

Could a hen lay one egg after 9pm (when I checked at lockup) and then a second egg before 6:45 pm the following day? (When I found the 8th egg.) That's almost 22 hours apart. That's possible, right?

Because I don't see how a pullet can lay a giant egg for her first one. Unless she's been practicing longer than I realized. But I never did see any tiny one until today.
1 egg. Only 1 egg from 6 hens... 1 just one...

I think they are holding out on me. Next thing I know they are going to find a type writer, and I will be getting messages demanding heated blankets.

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