How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8/10 + Scout and the Littles today. New Littler Littles arriving tomorrow. somebody help me Anyone wanna see a recent picture of Scout? Glad you asked!

8/10 + Scout and the Littles today. New Littler Littles arriving tomorrow. somebody help me Anyone wanna see a recent picture of Scout? Glad you asked! :lau
He's nice and congrats on the littles on the way... If I'm judging it right and IF the eggs are still alive :fl I'm guessing my babies will start popping out in about a week.... If I can keep them alive and IF my husband doesn't say no..... IF the bigs don't hurt them .....
He's nice and congrats on the littles on the way... If I'm judging it right and IF the eggs are still alive

I'm guessing my babies will start popping out in about a week.... If I can keep them alive and IF my husband doesn't say no..... IF the bigs don't hurt them .....
Thanks....he gets around pretty doggone good for not having any working toes! We'll need pictures of those babies.......
1 egg today
the rest are not laying yet. Rescued a chooks today but don't know if it's a he or she what breed or how old it might be can someone pls help , thanks
this chook is heaps small pic below


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