How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 0 eggs today from 15 hens I guess because they are only 1 month old
That sounds about right cohosmith
3/3/3 (Go ducks!)

6 blue
6 brown
3 white (I only have 2 Leghorns, and only got one white egg yesterday, so this extra one must have been laid late last night)

One of my Cream Legbar pullets (3 weeks old) is growing her crest feathers!!!



I'm up to 16 littles now. Somehow....I'm not sure how it happened...but 2 more Leghorn pullets jumped in a box at the feed store and found their way to my car???????
The same thing happened with 6 of these cuties today.

Who's ready for Easter? My daughter (7) said that she knew why the hens slowed down during the winter... They were giving the eggs to the Easter Bunny for Sunday...

Busy ,busy day! The girls are rockin all week I've had one day of 8/9 the rest of the week 9/9! Today was the first time we've colored homegrown easter eggs! We did 12 white eggs and my curious self boiled 3 brown eggs, just to see. I LOVE the way the brown eggs came out!

The brown eggs are up on the stands, the white eggs dyed in the same color are laying in front. They all have been glittered! My daughter firmly believes there is no such thing as too much glitter!
The glitter shows up much better on the darker eggs!
very rustic looking - even with the glitter. Love them.

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