How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/2 everyone celebrated with omlets
Well collected 6/7 today... One is sitting on 4 so I'm letting her be... I tried to candle one... Not sure lol.... To bright outside... I'll wait until dusk...
Ok... I just slipped a new egg under my broody today... Candled to get a solid control idea and attempted to do the same on the 4 week-9 day old ones... Not sure on them but I'll have a better idea now... I' can see right through the new one where as the others I can see the air sack but not sure if I'm looking at good, early death or just my imagination on the others lol... Oh well if I have to sneak a change of eggs on my husband so be it... He's clueless on the egg game lol...

Btw... Yes I dated the new one
3/3/3 (Go ducks!)

6 blue
6 brown
3 white (I only have 2 Leghorns, and only got one white egg yesterday, so this extra one must have been laid late last night)

One of my Cream Legbar pullets (3 weeks old) is growing her crest feathers!!!

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