How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Only 2/7 so far today... It's only 3 so I'll look again later... We do have a broody girl who's sitting on 4... Don't tell my husband. He thinks I've been moving her and taking them... He never goes back there so I'll leave them until they are discovered, prove under tail via candling next week or they hatch lol

:lau it will serve him right for never helping. If he does find them I'll say I found a hidden nest and relocated them but checked and they are fertile and will hatch... Maybe he will leave them.
Today I got 14/23 guess some of the girls need a rest, I been keeping a record of the egg production and cost over the last 5 months from when I started, looking back is very interesting. In January I had 32 girls all laying and I got 555 eggs for the month with a total cost of Ph 2,156.00, this month with 1 day to go and with 23 girls I have already 552 eggs with a cost of Ph 2,352.00, now how good is that ?

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