How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Wow 99 for Seattle is hot I haven't been there since the Worlds Fair but I do remember it not being anything like that .....

I have a young Pullet in the house right now and all she want's to do is sit on the couch so I gave her a couple of towels to sit on and she stays very quiet and I was thinking she was sick but if se is put outside she will run off with out a problem but if she see's the door open in she comes and I will soon find her sitting on her towels and if there are no towels on the couch she will walk around all confused ...... Fun how they act some times ....
Wow 99 for Seattle is hot I haven't been there since the Worlds Fair but I do remember it not being anything like that .....

I have a young Pullet in the house right now and all she want's to do is sit on the couch so I gave her a couple of towels to sit on and she stays very quiet and I was thinking she was sick but if se is put outside she will run off with out a problem but if she see's the door open in she comes and I will soon find her sitting on her towels and if there are no towels on the couch she will walk around all confused ...... Fun how they act some times ....
That is cute. Our pullet was sitting on a towel on top of the wood stove (a bit ironic in my opinion), but now she's decided that flying from couch to couch is much more fun, so we have her in a cage when in the house. She was isolated from other chicks before we got her due to a leg injury. We've had her for a month and she's finally starting to hang out with the other pullets in the bushes. Our baby cockerel is quite taken by her and they are usually together outside.

Got one egg so far today. It is still early and back down in the 70s. Chickens were panting all night yesterday.
Bleh, zero eggs today. Virpi has been studying the nest boxes intensively though, so maybe she might take to laying soon too. Who knows. maybe we'll get two tomorrow. Veera should lay her seventh egg tomorrow, so far she's been on a 3 days of eggs then pause for a day rhythm.
Yeah!! The last 2 days I got 2 eggs, one little green one big brown. Today I got 2 little green eggs and 2 big brown, so big they won't fit in a commercial extra large carton! so 4/7 today, and this since the started laying Jun 14th. I think the NH Reds eggs are just a bit darker and smoother then the bared rock ones. I am just kind of hoping the other EE is a blue egg. ;-)

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