How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11/12 today by 3:00! I thought I would have a 100% egg day today but one of my EE's (the green egg-layer) decided to take a day off. I was not too surprised, as she didn't lay till about 5:00 yesterday evening. She should lay one in the morning. Yesterday I got nine eggs so it looks like my current average is 10/12. Very proud of my mixed flock!
Got 3/4 but I think this 134 gram egg makes up for it. (It's next to standard size egg I get (50-60gram).

Down to 2-4 a day. Weathers not been nearly as hot as last month so not sure what the issue s. been checking for snakes and not found one yet. Did find one half eaten egg the other day but I check coop frequently as we'll as the kiddos. Not finding any in the action of eating and they get checked at least ten times a day! Any ideas?

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