How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have gotten 5 eggs from 10 but I think 2 are still to young. My bantams will not lay. I have had 1 hen here for about 3 month and she started laying 3 days ago. They are a beautiful green color!
My girls were slacking about today 8 from 16 Booo!
April 14th: 7
15th: 8
16th: 8
17th: 7
18th: 8
19th: 6
20th: 7 - but that was at 1:30 PM and I left for a train trip to Chicago (stuck in Albany, NY where we boarded at the moment with a bridge problem) and I don't know if any laid after.

Broodies are busted.

:)I got one egg from one laying Black australorp in 14 days she has been laying i have had 11 perfect eggs .she has a sister who should lay any day now and 2 half sisters (black australorp x rhode island red) Who are a month younger.
Well, I've not posted for the past couple of weeks but I'm still here and kicking. Just been too busy with the garden and all. The Gals have been great all spring long. The 22 BSL's and 4 guineas have been giving us lots of eggs. We're now getting two eggs each day from the guineas. I'm pretty sure we have 2 males and 2 females but one day we got 3 guinea eggs so I don't know about my math. Guinea eggs are much smaller than hen eggs and they are more angular. Plus they are as hard as a rock. You gotta really whack 'em to get 'em out of the shell. I took a dozen in to one of my regulars at work and gave the carton to him and he gave me $3.00. When he opened up the carton you should have seen the look on his face. His eyes were as big as saucers. But I gave them to him and another dozen large hen eggs for the $3.00. Something I noticed about the guinea eggs is that they look about the same when you do crack them. The yolks are almost as large as regular hen eggs but there may be less of the whites. They taste the same. Maybe a bit richer but about the same as best I can tell.
4 for 4 today, but the real news is that my 11 month old pullet, Tina, has now laid 28 days non stop without a break. I'm amazed. She was a late starter, didn't start until mid February, when she was about 9 months old, but now she's a workhorse. I have a thread on it, check it out for the details.

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