How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We got 5 from 14. The weather will simply not "normalize". Its 70 degrees one day and forty the next!
the two in the middle are black austrolorps. We're not getting many eggs the last week because we introduced two new birds. But I had to have a barred rock..... Hopefully we rebound soon, finding eggs each day is a blast.
We've gotten 92 eggs from our 22 BSL's in the past 5 days which is I believe just a shade under an average of 19 per day. It's been up and down all week with the weather. One day it's nice and warm followed by cloudy and cold followed by wet and more wet. I'm so ready for spring to get here so I can work in my garden. I'm worried I'll have to drain it before I can get in and do anything we've had so much rain this winter. We started late last summer with the weatherman screaming all about global warming and drought. Well, that worked because we got cold and rain all winter long. If I hear anyone else mentions global warming or climate change I'm liable to belt them in the mouth.
Today a record, 24/25 from 9 month old RIRs. They have been pretty reliable at between 18-21, but one day only 14. I am overwhelming my feed guy who has been buying my eggs, gonna have to develop some new markets!
5 from 15.
I have added 3 Production Reds to one pen. They are laying just about every day since I got them last Saturday. I think thye may have missed one day laying.

4 of the hens have not even started laying yet, so all in all I think that is fairly good consideringthe ups and downs of the weather.
Things happen, and we have to expect losses at times
the last few days, only one egg a dat, all look like Goldies.
Today, so far, one egg, also looks like Goldies.

On the ID, I wnt by the color, looks, and color of the bottom of her feet.
but then, I did not take into account a possible hybrid.
No biggie. main thing is they are doing well and producing eggs
Well, turned out to be 2 eggs today.

I dunno when Austra will lay her next egg.

Going to hard boil 6 or 7, and have 2 or 3 with Chorizo tonight.
maybe fry half an onion with the Chorizo.. A nice Tex/Mex dish, have tortillas with it.

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