How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/5 It's been a long winter with few eggs as we didn't use lighting this year. We're practically up to 11 hours light a day now and about to change over to 18% layer blend, hoping for a boost in eggs with this 2% higher blend.
Just a WEE bit larger than the average Back Yard Chickens flock

How do you count them all?

We have 2500 in our backyard and another 2500 in a hen house/pasture that I rent about a mile and a half from here.

We pack them up in stacks of 15 dozen and add up the totals each day.

I had some photos on BYC someplace, but since they went to the new software I'm not sure where they went...

Really impressive Mac!
(any one ever tell you that you look a LOT like Marty Feldman?

6 eggs today. The girls didn't have a lot of opportunity to get outside today. Had a timber frame guy and his favorite excavator guy come by to look at the house. We are in need of a total foundation replacement. The TF guy has a dog and we weren't expecting him the last time he came by a few months ago. Last I knew he only had a creaky jointed old dog. The new puppy thought those self motivating toys were GREAT and wanted to play with them. Fortunately no feathers were lost before the dog was corralled. So, today they stayed in until he left at 2. Really nice Yellow Lab.

That dog "chose" the perfect "take your pet to work" owner. He's ALWAYS outside on big lot jobs. Mostly rebuilds ancient barns and the dog can lounge rather than being stuck in a house or yard all day.

3/14. I'm going to modify my feeding routine. I think the girls are too fat and slowing down.

Chickens don't need to be put on a restrictive diet... but restricting treats is often the best way to balance their nutrition. Reducing the amount of food they have overall is just going to cause pecking issues. So, keep feeding them. Just lay off the corn and scratch.

How old are they?
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