How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/3. I get 2/3 almost everyday. It's pretty awesome. We do have 10 chickens total though. 4 getting ready to lay, 3 that are laying and the rest are 2 roos and a cockerel. I am a sucker for free roosters, and my giant roo wont' allow any sort of fighting, and he is huge.
I'm hoping I get a dozen from my 30 hens. I know not good, but it's winter, cloudy and it gets dark way too early. Yesterday and the day before I got 19, and then yesterday I got 20. So I'll let y'all know how many we get today. I'm hoping and praying it's the same but who knows? It's been a rainy cloudy cold day today.
16 eggs. Someone please tell me that's good for this season.

I suppose it depends on where you live and what kind of chickens you have

I got 6 today (including another double ended 88 g monster) from my 12 (*) 9 yesterday, 9 the day before that and 6 the day before that.

* I might have to start counting them as 11 since stupid Clemence isn't laying anything and won't stay out of the box. I'm OK with her staying in there if she hatches more shavings since I just bought 2 more bales today but I haven't seen that happening.

I suppose it depends on where you live and what kind of chickens you have

I got 6 today (including another double ended 88 g monster) from my 12 (*) 9 yesterday, 9 the day before that and 6 the day before that.

* I might have to start counting them as 11 since stupid Clemence isn't laying anything and won't stay out of the box. I'm OK with her staying in there if she hatches more shavings since I just bought 2 more bales today but I haven't seen that happening.

It was really cloud/rainy today and really cold. Yesterday we got 20, day before 20. So I'm not sure. i'm not too happy. Made my day go from good to bad. But I guess that's what being obsessed with chickens is like.

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