How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have 9 hens that are laying age and 2 have been consistantly laying. Yesterday we got 3 eggs so maybe the slight change in daylight is beginning to trigger them.

I have 8 other hens that should be old enough come end of Feb...
All of a sudden we've had a little pick up in egg production. We've been getting an egg or two if we're lucky every few days from 5 hens. One wasn't laying until this weekend! We just got her first egg! Super excited about that. Then to make things more excited on Monday we got 4 eggs from the 5 girls. Way to go, ladies! Of course, we didn't get any yesterday because that's how they've been going lately. Not sure about today yet or why the sudden surge in laying, but I'm loving it!
6 out of 6 today....Can someone tell me what causes them to lay double yolked egg, was getting one or two a week quite while back and was wondering why this happens. If fertile they would not do this, right, they do not have twins.
6 out of 6 today....Can someone tell me what causes them to lay double yolked egg, was getting one or two a week quite while back and was wondering why this happens. If fertile they would not do this, right, they do not have twins.

I get them too but I don't know why it happens. Wondering if it is just part of their systems figuring out what to do.

And YES, there are occasional twins. Google "chicken twins"

4/8 today. Noticed they seem to lay in even numbers. Maybe because I have to of each breed and the same breed has a similar laying pattern? Or just a coincidence? I should start an egg journal! ETA: I checked, 7 a few days ago. So MOSTLY even, not always......
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