How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 out of 30 which is good as they had shut down when the days got shorter. They are finally starting to lay again!!

Hmm, not even 2 years old and shut down at 1 year old?  Since they don't even start laying until they are ~5 months or older, a 6 to 7 month laying lifetime? That doesn't sound so good.

Only 5 today. Still, one better than yesterday. Stupid Anais is sitting on the empty nest AGAIN today. Doesn't bode well for eggs from HER!


Yea got the same problem with Alice,she sits on eggs non-stop, but ours are very fertile. I collect everyday but she is always in the same spot. I will let her start hatching in April, she gets so mad at me when I come in and get her eggs. I call her ms. grumpy feathers. She will be my 'momma' of the bunch this summer. We finally got there play yard fixed and I made her come outside, she was soooooo mad at me. She was still telling me about it when I left to pick up my daughter from school. So Bruce, I feel your pain...:rolleyes:
So Bruce, I feel your pain...

Anyone not want to get an incubator but want some eggs hatched?

That includes a double-yolker that weighs 81 grams. We only counted that as one though

I call those the "2 egg omelette" eggs

I have one that likes to sit on the eggs. She kept 4 of them warm until I got home from work this afternoon. The other three were in a different box and really cold.

Stupid bird was sitting on NO eggs in the middle of the 3 box unit all day yesterday. There was one egg in the left box and 2 in the right box plus one in the community box at 9 AM. I took her off the nest, no egg. There was another in the community box at 12:30. She had gone back in the middle box, no egg under her. I took her off the nest AGAIN at roost time expecting to at least find she had been sitting on her egg. NOPE!


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