How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have no idea.
I brought in 2 eggs. I am absolutely certain now that I have had a human intruder in my coops.
I have 2 latches on EVERY gate and door and today they were all UNDONE.

Finally DH believes me.


For a while now I have suspected it and now I KNOW for sure.
I asked DH "If they are getting into the coops how long until they get into the shed?"

He went right away to get locks for all the doors and gates.
Unbelievable!!!! I set a trap!! or a hot wire!!!
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Hi Everyone! kinda fell off the radar for a bit(vacation/busy) glad to see the chicken world revolves without me, LOL.....

October numbers .........203 eggs in 31 days from 7 pullets or 6.54/day
November numbers..... 196 eggs in 30 days from 7 pullets or 6.53/day
December numbers .... 204 eggs in 31 days from 7 pullets or 6.58/day

Nice consistency Julie! We DID miss you

I have no idea.
I brought in 2 eggs. I am absolutely certain now that I have had a human intruder in my coops.
I have 2 latches on EVERY gate and door and today they were all UNDONE.

Not only thieves, STUPID thieves! You would think they would maybe figure out that the latches were closed for a reason and someone would notice they were not closed. If there was any consistency to the thefts, it would be "fun" to catch them with a game camera and turn them in to the police, or their parents if they are young punks.

so three from 1 chicken?
0630 -opened coop to let the girls out, egg on the floor of the coop, normal sized looks like henry's egg
0900- DH hears egg song for first time and goes out, henry is just leaving nest box singing- egg
1200- I go out to clean, henry in nest box hmmm I think going broody, I feel under her no egg, I go about cleaning and a couple minutes later she coes out -->EGG

all hard shelled and normal smallish but all of her eggs have been not large

anyone else have this happen????
so three from 1 chicken?
0630 -opened coop to let the girls out, egg on the floor of the coop, normal sized looks like henry's egg
0900- DH hears egg song for first time and goes out, henry is just leaving nest box singing- egg
1200- I go out to clean, henry in nest box hmmm I think going broody, I feel under her no egg, I go about cleaning and a couple minutes later she coes out -->EGG

all hard shelled and normal smallish but all of her eggs have been not large

anyone else have this happen????
My pullets sometimes sing for others that have layed just before they lay, possibility? Although, we have seen 2 eggs from one pullet 3 times since they started laying in August. I didn't believe it till it happened to us!
two eggs today, three yesterday, from my three young hens
and all delicious!
It feels and tastes so good to be eating the eggs from our girls, I agree!

I was really worried and almost caved by putting heat in the coop last night, but after reading several threads on heating i held off. Very glad to see all the girls chipper and full of it this morning at 6am eating their breakfast despite the 4 degree temps!

I have created several spots in the run and yard for them to not have to stand on snow, other than holding up their feet when the snow and ice sticks, I don't see the cold effecting them in any stressful way. They bask in the sun and stand and sit in the spaces without snow for most of the day, only really active in the afternoon when it warms up considerably. Thankful my coop is in the sun and blocked from the wind all day now that the leaves are all gone from the big oak......

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