How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

not pleased am down to 2 eggs a day....used some yesterday...And I have NO EGGS...
snf i really don't want to do the grocery walk of shame...
Hi, have ONE easter egger that lays a green egg...found 2 green eggs .. this has happened is larger than the other...what other breed can lay a green egg...hens can only lay ONE egg a day ....

I thought only one a day too, however my gals busted that myth! I have had two eggs layed by the same chicken within 14 hours, normal average lay cycle is 25 hrs but again my gals have wandered outside the "norm" range since POL......The different size thing is a puzzle though, most of my girls lay similar size and colored eggs, But the breeds you have sound like brown eggers, could it be the grey legged hen is a mutt/cross EE?
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7,7,6,7,7,7,7......From seven pullets, loads of eggs....... my goofey gals are like night hawks, cat caught a mouse after dark yesterday evening and was standing by the back door with wide eyes trying to get in because the girls were running around the yard trying to steal it away from her ewwww what a sight! (#1 reason I don't have a cat door, #2 is the chickens would be in my house!!)
Boy I wish i could give you some of my eggs. We have a cooler full. Hope the Christmas baking season kicks in soon. We have and over supply. My old hens just keep laying on. While my new hens are getting started with buckets full. 152 today

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