How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7,7,7,7,5,7,7 eggs out of my 7 busy girls stellar week Ladies! I'm humbled by how well they are producing after doting and worrying so much when they were younger that they'd never lay an egg, now they are paying for their feed and then some. Did everyone see the Purina coupons for $10 off two bags of Layena 16% pellets,crumbles, or omega feed? Our feed store had $20 off if you bought a $100 gift card too, so we stocked up and saved this past weekend.Offer lasts til the end of January.......that's a 100lbs for $21.98 here in Boise.

Hi Ashley,
Light is the #1 major factor that effects the laying cycle. In NC today, the daylight hours only lasted around 9hrs and 50 mins, you just moved your girls from their home coop 16 days ago, and they are most likely a bit disoriented. One day of added light won't do the trick just screw them up or stress them out. It would take a week or so on 14 hrs of lighting on a regular schedule to get their cycle going again if you decide to try it. If they were being supplemented with light where they came from and abruptly stopped when you got them, that would be the most likely reason for no eggs. There are many different opinions on lights or no lights. I choose to light and get eggs, others choose to get less or no eggs and give their gals a rest in winter. Sounds like your pullets are young, if you wait out the winter, come spring, the increase in day length should trigger them to kick it into gear and produce more. If they have good feed, fresh unfrozen water, and 14 hours of light, those breeds should start laying like gang busters at that age.
I have my lights(rope Christmas type) come on by timer at 6am and off at 8pm everyday. The Chickens adjust well, my girls go into the coop and climb on their roost and preen and groom themselves around 7:30 pm and the lights instantly blackout at 8pm. We've never had any lost chickens, or ones that haven't figured out how to get on the roost after lights out so far.
Hope this helps, and good luck with your new gals!

I really appreciate your help. Where they were before they didnt have a light. I think that I might just wait it out until spring and hopefully they will lay good then and then by next winter they will be used to laying and hopefully wont stop to much. I also was looking at my eggs that i have gotten and there are two different colors and there were a couple that were bigger than the other. So maybe? I am having two different birds laying.. One could only hope so!! Thank You Thank You for all the help and input!!!!!!! I need it!
I really appreciate your help. Where they were before they didnt have a light. I think that I might just wait it out until spring and hopefully they will lay good then and then by next winter they will be used to laying and hopefully wont stop to much. I also was looking at my eggs that i have gotten and there are two different colors and there were a couple that were bigger than the other. So maybe? I am having two different birds laying.. One could only hope so!! Thank You Thank You for all the help and input!!!!!!! I need it!
Definitely sounds like more than one bird is laying with different sizes and colors, and possibly a maturation issue with light pink combs also. I'm sure come spring you'll be swimming in eggs, only two weeks till the Winter Solstice, and the days will slowly begin to get longer again yay!!! We're on the 43rd paralell here and almost get an hour less of sunlight per day than you folks in the south.....
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