How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I'm not sure if by "friendly" you mean want to be held or just not aggressive to people. NONE of my birds WANT to be held. We didn't fondle them too much as babies. They are not pets even though they will never be eaten even once they stop laying. I do talk to them but you won't find them coming into the house to visit. And NONE are aggressive to people. They do like to come see what I am doing, very inquisitive. And of course they are VERY FRIENDLY when someone brings treats. Gee, what a shock!

HEY HEY HEY....LOL..... my girls come in to visit, but I'm fully aware they are not wanting to be cuddled, there just happens to be a big clear plastic tub full of scratch grain just inside the dinning room door heh heh heh, as another fellow backyarder said to me when I was feeling upset about my chickens one day, " I love my birds, but I don't ever forget the fact that they are little dinosaurs, and their true nature would be to eat me alive and start by plucking out my eyes if I should suddenly drop dead in the lawn"!! LOL!!!! Yes mine are spoiled little brats, and I often talk to them, I tell them they are beautiful, or "your slacking" when I'm missing a few eggs.....I also told one of them once when they got too bold and pecked and almost got my diamond studded earring " watch it Betty, I wouldn't want to have to gut you to get my earring back, but I will" !!!!

This is "Betty White" and a few of the girls Thanksgiving eve..... it appears as if Betty is adoringly looking at me awwww in the picture, but observe the position of the scratch bin in the next photo, she is cocking her head to get a good angle on it!......LOL!!!!

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Finally!!! Our 24 BSL's have started to lay. Yesterday we got four nice sized beautiful brown eggs. I was starting to worry they wouldn't start laying until spring. But it may have been triggered when I put in a solar powered LED light in the coop giving them a couple of more hours of light each day. We got the BSL's on Sept. 8th and they were supposed to be 14 weeks old at that time. By my count they are now right at 26 weeks old. Just a couple of weeks older than the original RSL's we had up until last year when they started laying. Hopefully the dike has been breached and the eggs will start a-coming!!! I've got a bunch of people at work assaulting me on a daily basis for their eggs and I've held them off long enough . I was about to go and buy a couple of dozen eggs each day at Wal-Mart and put them in the old egg cartons and sell them off for $3.00 a dozen just to keep my head on my shoulders. You can't mess with the cubicle rats food supply...
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I need some insight. I have 7 hens that were laying anywhere from 5-7 eggs a day until about two months ago. They all molted and now I get 1-2 eggs every other day. I'm thinking of putting a light bulb in their coop and have it timed to turn on about two hours prior to sunrise.


A light did work for me, my silky's started laying again, got 5 eggs so far today, but my Hubby left the girls out yesterday and closed the door to the coop....well it was like an easter egg hunt in yard today
Six today. TWO green eggs!! The new green is so pretty! Too bad my other EE'er pecked a hole in the shell. Didn't go the whole way through, luckily. For some reason the BA's didn't lay. I love their deeper brown colored eggs almost as much as the green ones!

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