How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2 Auracannas

Since there is no such thing as an Auracanna
, are they:
- OFFICIAL Araucana - the rumpless ones
- OFFICIAL Ameraucana
- Easter Eggers (frequently sold by hatcheries like like mine from Ideal were) as Ameraucana


One day we got 6 eggs! And we have only got 3 chickens!
Hi Rhode Island,
That is cool.....before I had this 2 egg in one day thing happen to me, i would have totally been skeptical, never heard such a thing, but now I know it's possible first hand! Did ya notice my login name is Rhoise....I moved to Boise Idaho from Rhode Island 18 years ago and just got chickens of my own again after 30 years, hense Rhoise, I have 3 RIR pullets in my flock of 7, two are named Rhody and Kingston for where I was born
;-) welcome

1 hen is too old I think, 1 hen is too young, and 1 hen is still hanging onto some totally feathered out there is a reason that only one lays, but still sux.
Our chickens are: a Rhode Island red, an Australorp, and a chicken that is supposed to be a Plymouth Rock. Her name is Henrietta. We think she has something else in her. Maybe Araucana? I live in australia.

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