How many days do jumbo browns take to hatch


6 Years
Jan 25, 2014
I was wondering how many days it takes jumbo browns to hatch and what is the temp and humidity levels you guys use when you hatc and if this set dose not hatch because idk how this guy haldels his eggs I hope most hatch and how many days you wait to candle the eggs for the first time
I had signs of pipping at 17 and hatches that night and the majority on day 18 with a few more on day 19. 99.5 degrees 45-55% during incubation and up to 65% during hatching. I didn't candle any eggs.
I candle before I set eggs and don't set any that have obvious cracks since I've had them go bad. Because of the mottling it can be hard to see cracks or toe nail holes in ambient light but you can see them upon candling. I candle again at day 7 and discard any obvious clears or blood rings. "Good" eggs illuminate pink, red or just dark depending on how much pigment is in the shell. I use my cell phone light in a dark room and it works pretty good for most coturnix eggs. If any are questionable I leave the egg to continue. I takes some practice but it gets easier the more you do it.
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