How many can it hold?

I'm building a run maybe a 14x14 or 10x14 would I be able to keep more and if so how would I get them back into the coop ? Last resort I would put half in the chicken tractor and the others in the pen.
Well, the coop is 4x7 and it would comfortably hold 7 chickens, but can hold around 15. You should be able, with the run, to keep 10 chickens.
I might just put them in a 8x7 pen with run and put my wyandottes and rhode island red in chicken tractors.
The larger the space the less issues you will have. That is true of any animal enclosure.
The larger the space the less issues you will have. That is true of any animal enclosure.

I agree with the above post. How many it can hold vs. how many it should hold may not be the same. I know Cornish X aren't as mobile as other chickens but given the opportunity they do move around some. You have to balance what you are comfortable with in terms of the number you'd like to have and the idea that the crowed they are, the more messy they will be.
I'm going to be showing them so I will get them in the summer , how will I keep them cool if I don't have electric in my coop?

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