How long until the mites die after Elector PSP and DE?


Jul 26, 2021
We discovered our chickens had mites about 3 weeks ago. We sprayed everyone and everything with the Elector PSP and bagged and disposed of the bedding as soon as the product arrived. We had 1 hen die while we were on away on vacation. We repeated the process yesterday. Yesterday evening I sprinkled everything with DE before adding new (fresh purchased) bedding and afterwards I was covered in mites. This morning when I checked for eggs, the bedding was covered with creepy crawlies. How long after treatment do the mites die? Can I wait the recommended 10 days, or should repeat the process sooner?
What exact product did you use and did you have to mix it yourself?
If you did have to mix it yourself exactly how much did you mix?
For what it's worth if I were treating for mites I would treat the birds and the entire coop every 5 days...for no less than 4 treatments.
What exact product did you use and did you have to mix it yourself?
If you did have to mix it yourself exactly how much did you mix?
We used Elector PSP and mixed it at .3oz/1gal. We wet everything down. The chickens were very wet. I LIBERALLY sprinkled the food grade diatomaceous earth on every flat surface. Ick, I'm getting itchy just thinking about them.
:welcome:frow I never had any luck with DE. I do use poultry dust in the nest boxes. I use permethrin. It's way less expensive and works. I use the 0.50% solution. I spray weekly for 3 or 4 weeks. On the fact sheet for Elector PSP it even states that repeat applications may be needed for mites. Some say once and done. I'll stick with the permethrin.


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The first time my birds had mites, I did not make the solution strong enough. After a couple weeks of spraying I was still seeing mites. I then came across this and started mixing the 6.4 oz to a gallon of water. After that I started seeing great improvement. Most insecticides do not kill the pests eggs so repeat treatments are necessary. The bonus is there is no egg withdrawal period. Good luck...
The first time my birds had mites, I did not make the solution strong enough. After a couple weeks of spraying I was still seeing mites. I then came across this and started mixing the 6.4 oz to a gallon of water. After that I started seeing great improvement. Most insecticides do not kill the pests eggs so repeat treatments are necessary. The bonus is there is no egg withdrawal period. Good luck...
View attachment 2774383
We are using spinosad right now for a really bad infestation of the northern fowl mites. How often do we apply the spinosad solution, and what is the ratio of spinosad to one gallon water?

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