How long for antibiotics to take effect (respiratory illness)?


13 Years
May 8, 2011
My duck seemed fine until yesterday when she started panting a lot.

The vet could hear that she has congestion and gave me SMZ liquid antibiotics today. If I don't see improvement I'm to go back as it could be a fungal infection (antibiotics won't work on that).

When would it be typical to see improvement? She's eating and drinking and active, it's just the panting is concerning me. I know that respiratory issues can quickly turn very serious and that if it goes into pneumonia the prognosis isn't good....
SMZ-TMP is usually given for 7 days.
I'd say you'd see some improvement by day 3-4 if the meds are going to help, but we are not vets here.
Since the Vet prescribed the medication, they would know what they expected to see in so many days. You may want to contact them and ask your follow up questions, so you're not left guessing.
Thanks, I'll check with them. She seems very slightly better today. Still panting, especially when she lays down, but not as restless. As if she's a little more comfortable. :)

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