How long can Broody duck hen stay off her eggs?


5 Years
Oct 24, 2018
Central Texas
How long can a broody duck hen stay off her eggs to eat and drink before it hurts the incubation of her eggs? My Momma Duck will eat, drink and preen herself for 10-15 minutes and then go back and sit on her eggs. This is the 5th day she has been sitting on her eggs.
Thanks, Lydia, for the reply.
Momma Duck is a Silver Appleyard. I have a Silver Appleyard drake and a Rouen drake plus, 2 female Perkins, 2 Rouen females, two Cayuga females and one other female Silver Appleyard. I also have 7 chickies too!
The ducks are so fun to watch and listen to them quack at each other. I sure wish I spoke duck and chicken!
Mine have gone off the nest and returned and started laying on other eggs, It has been at least 3-4 hours before i put them back on and the babies did fine. It takes a while for the inside of the eggs heat to dissipate.
Mine have gone off the nest and returned and started laying on other eggs, It has been at least 3-4 hours before i put them back on and the babies did fine. It takes a while for the inside of the eggs heat to dissipate.
That hasn’t happened here with my ducks but my chickens will get off the nest an let others lay in the nest an while the other hen is laying they snuggle into the empty nest box next to theirs an forget to get back in theirs when the hen gets out and the chicks still hatch even when shes been off many hours. It’s usually my new Broodies.
That hasn’t happened here with my ducks but my chickens will get off the nest an let others lay in the nest an while the other hen is laying they snuggle into the empty nest box next to theirs an forget to get back in theirs when the hen gets out and the chicks still hatch even when shes been off many hours. It’s usually my new Broodies.

That happens here too... :barnie

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