How is Chase Hatchery?

First Chase hatchery, Luvpolish was the one who called those with bad experiences names. I'm sorry but I suspect Luvpolish and chase hatchery to be one in the same. Also, having more than one person have chickens die from Marek's type illness and having a necropsy show with one customer that their chickens had either Marek's or Leukosis isn't a small matter. It's great that you're attempting to make changes but let's see if it lasts. And hopefully the pullets had leukosis because if they had Marek's the problem still persists.
I'm not attacking I'm trying to keep others from the horror I and others went through all last summer/fall. Much heartbreak and much tears. Even now, with new pullets that are vaccinated (because I don't have a choice), I
Pray every night that they are ok and the vaccination works and I don't have to keep going through this nightmare.
They haven’t changed. I watched one of ours die when we got home and all chase did was place the blame on me. They’re very dishonest and rude.

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