How I secretly raise chickens with HOA restrictions

You know, the more I think about it, the more I wish I could hear from someone who successfully got an HOA to lessen bans on chickens. I think that'd be more worthwhile in the long run than sneaking. Surely it's bound to have happened some time or another.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I wish I could hear from someone who successfully got an HOA to lessen bans on chickens. I think that'd be more worthwhile in the long run than sneaking. Surely it's bound to have happened some time or another.
HOA elections are usually poorly participated in, and some mix of inertia and popularity contest. Just a few votes is frequently enough to put someone on the HOA board. Amending bylaws becomes easier then.
haha someone I know lives in a city that has an anti- chicken ordinance. doesn't say anything about "emotional support birds" tho lol :)
Emotional support animals do not enjoy the same legal protections as service animals (i.e. "seeing eye" dogs, epilepsy animals/seizure dogs, and the like), and moreover, their use has been so abused that even traditionally "left leaning" States (i.e. California) are passing legislation restricting their use and further constraining the few legal perks they do enjoy.

Don't like you zoning? Move. (because changing it generally takes years and/or substantial political donations)

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