how hot

A broody hen raises her chicks in outside air. Much of the time, she'll hatch in late spring, even in 50 degree temperatures, the chicks spend most of their time scurrying around, returning to the warmth provided by her body only as they need to warm up or sleep. That is what a brooder mimics.

One doesn't make the entire 4x8 brooder 95 degrees. All that is needed is one hot spot. That's all. The rest of the brooder can be and should be cooler. Much cooler. That way, the chicks do all the regulating. They'll avoid the hot spot if they are warm and approach it as needed, if they are cool.

Again, if your temperatures are like most of the US right now, it is blazing hot. Be cautious. Watch them. Their body language will tell you. If they avoid the hot spot, pant, or stand with their little wings held out? They are cooking. If they huddle frantically and peep loudly? They are a bit cool. One can raise and lower the bulb to achieve higher or lower temps, a bit. One should also have a lower wattage bulb handy.

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