how fast do eggs freeze - how long do i have to collect them in 20F


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
so it’s about 24 f now and I just saw a hen go into the coop and come out half hour later she probably laid an egg in there. How much time do I have to go out and collect it before it might freeze
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we're colder than that right now and I just get them once a day and pop them in the fridge. check for cracks (in a glass of water) and if in doubt, hard boil or scramble and feed back to your ladies.
Okay so at first I was like, ya eggs are taking a while to freeze but now I am finding they're all freezing and cracking too! I will have to get out there every couple hours now. Hard when I'm working but I'm missing out on food!
I had a egg laid at 7:00 this morning so 30 minutes after i went out. Then i went out at 8:30 and the egg was already cracked.

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