How do you get a bird out of its cage?


Mar 11, 2023
I was given a free adult parakeet that lived in an aviary but the bird flies all over my room when I try to take her out of the cage.

Would using a towel to take her out be a better option? Like in these videos:

You shouldn't take a bird out of the cage until you get it tamed... taming starts inside the cage
First, you get your bird used to your presence around the cage... placing your hands on the outside until it's comfortable, once it's used to this, start holding your hand still inside the cage for a couple minutes each day, eventually once it gets comfortable let it eat out of your hand, slowly moving closer to the exit of the cage each time.

You should never let an untamed bird out or else It will just try to fly away from you! Then when you have to catch it and put it back in the cage it will just lose more trust with you... your bird should not be scared of you and be able to step up first!
Also millet works best unless you have a bird that hates it like mine...
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It may seem complicated but it's not that bad... the results are definitely worth it! :)
Would you mind showing us a photo of the budgie you were given? Depending on its actual age you might be able to know how and where to start taming it so you can have more success.

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