How do you find a poultry vet?


Jun 4, 2018
I never thought about taking them to be checked but just for peace of mind I’d like somebody with experience to look at my 5 15 week old pullets and 3 3 week old pullets. When I search online in my area regular vets come up none that specialize in poultry. Any advice?
You don't see vets who specialize in chickens because there is no money in chickens. You are talking about a $20 bird. The office visit alone will exceed the value of the bird. When something critical comes down, the state veterinary and your land grant university take the lead. Unless you live in a state where poultry production is a major part of the economy, poultry vets are non existent.
What are your concerns with your flock?
I don’t have any real concerns. This is our first time raising chickens and I want to make sure they’re good. They look and act like regular chickens but what do I know. . They free range for several hours a day and there was a suggestion on another thread that wild bird carry different things that can affect a back yard flock.
Start by looking for specifically avian vets. If there’s none, try looking for exotic vets and then call and ask if they’ll see chickens. If there’s still no help there, you might luck out with a large animal/equine vet who owns chickens and can help you out. Make sure you call and specifically ask, I knew an avian vet who refused to see chickens (no idea why). Also ask for recommendations and don’t lose heart if you get a loser receptionist on the phone who is super unhelpful. ;)

The chances of finding one that specializes in chickens is little to none; your best bet is to find one willing to work with you and learn with you who can write prescriptions if need be.
Look for a vet that sees birds, they don't have to specialize in chickens. Expect to pay about the same as you would for a dog or cat, or any other pet. If you think of chickens as livestock, it's probably more than you'd want to pay.Where are you located? People in your state thread may be able to steer you in the right direction.
Start by looking for specifically avian vets. If there’s none, try looking for exotic vets and then call and ask if they’ll see chickens. If there’s still no help there, you might luck out with a large animal/equine vet who owns chickens and can help you out. Make sure you call and specifically ask, I knew an avian vet who refused to see chickens (no idea why). Also ask for recommendations and don’t lose heart if you get a loser receptionist on the phone who is super unhelpful. ;)

The chances of finding one that specializes in chickens is little to none; your best bet is to find one willing to work with you and learn with you who can write prescriptions if need be.
I called a few local avian vets and they too did NOT see poultry.

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