How do I make a Saline solution to heal her eye?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Apr 15, 2018
Hi, I have a silkie named Bomb-Bomb and her eye got infected with dirt and has been closed for over a week. How do I make a saline solution to flush it out? Please respond ASAP!
You can buy saline for eyes and contacts at the drug store. To make normal saline, add a tsp of table salt to a quart of water, and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer with a cover on for 15 minutes. Let it cool, and place in a clean canning jar. You can also use Vetericyn eye wash, eye gel, or Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store.
Greetings PollyGirl21,

Here is the recipe I use.

And as, Eggcessive said, use an antibiotic on the eye, as well. Keep the eye clean and apply the antibiotic twice a day, till it heals. This can take up to two weeks.

Making saline solution :
  • Get a clean storage container and mixing utensil. Either wash them in the dishwasher or boil them for 5 minutes.

  • Use 1 quart (4 cups) of distilled water, or boil 1 quart of tap water for 5 minutes. (Do not use well water or sea water.)

  • Add 2 teaspoons of table salt.

  • Mix the water and salt well until the salt is completely dissolved.

  • Cool to room temperature before using.
Saline solution can be stored at room temperature in a tightly covered glass or plastic bottle. You can keep it for up to one week. Always label it and include the date.

Use for flushing eyes, wounds or the cloaca/rectum, after egg removal.

God Bless and peace to you. :)
Thanks for the help! do I literally open her eye and use a syringe to squirt it in? Also, I am not around my chickens every day of the week, so I can't apply the antibiotic twice a day. My tap comes from a well on our property, so.....
p.s. Her eye is sunken in when you open it
Hi, I have a silkie named Bomb-Bomb and her eye got infected with dirt and has been closed for over a week. How do I make a saline solution to flush it out? Please respond ASAP!
Saline is a 0.9% NaCl solution
You need 9 Grams of salt and 991 Grams of water mix them and you will get 1 liter of 0.9% salt.
If you want it serile you should boil the water.
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Greetings PollyGirl21,

Here is the recipe I use.

And as, Eggcessive said, use an antibiotic on the eye, as well. Keep the eye clean and apply the antibiotic twice a day, till it heals. This can take up to two weeks.

Making saline solution :
  • Get a clean storage container and mixing utensil. Either wash them in the dishwasher or boil them for 5 minutes.

  • Use 1 quart (4 cups) of distilled water, or boil 1 quart of tap water for 5 minutes. (Do not use well water or sea water.)

  • Add 2 teaspoons of table salt.

  • Mix the water and salt well until the salt is completely dissolved.

  • Cool to room temperature before using.
Saline solution can be stored at room temperature in a tightly covered glass or plastic bottle. You can keep it for up to one week. Always label it and include the date.

Use for flushing eyes, wounds or the cloaca/rectum, after egg removal.

God Bless and peace to you. :)
Cups and Tablespoons aren't really measurements.
My gram scale has 9 grams of table salt, and it measures exactly a teaspoonful. Many online sources say 2 tsp salt, in a quart or liter, but I was always taught 1 tsp per liter/quart make ps 0.9% normal saline in my medical/nursing/pharmacy books. Bennie is correct that weighing in grams is best since a teaspoonful of one thing may not equal another. Then a teaspoonful can be variable in size.
My gram scale has 9 grams of table salt, and it measures exactly a teaspoonful. Many online sources say 2 tsp salt, in a quart or liter, but I was always taught 1 tsp per liter/quart make ps 0.9% normal saline in my medical/nursing/pharmacy books. Bennie is correct that weighing in grams is best since a teaspoonful of one thing may not equal another. Then a teaspoonful can be variable in size.
I don't use all yours measurement but if you take half of a gallon of water and scale it on your whigt and get it in ounces
Let say that 0,5 a gallon is 200 ounces
Divide the whigt in 100:
200/100=2 ounces
To get near to 0.9% you need to:
Take 99/100 of water= 2x99=198 ounces of water
And 1/100 of salt=2×1=2 ounces
The mixing of the 2 will give 0.5 gallon of 1% NaCL close enough to 0.9%.
(It is really the time to change to normal measurements! :lol:)

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