How can I get my duck house and pen bobcat Proof

Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
5 Years
May 31, 2019
Hi, I have been hearing a bobcat around our house at night different times. Does anyone know how I can bobcat proof my duck house and pen? Thank you
Hi, I have been hearing a bobcat around our house at night different times. Does anyone know how I can bobcat proof my duck house and pen? Thank you
Hot wires with a high Joule output charger. I keep the local black bear momma at bay with a 10,000 volt/1.2 Joule output charger powering the poultry netting around my chickens enclosure.
Bait the wires with bacon. One good hit to the nose or mouth should get the job done.
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Hot wires with a high Joule output charger. I keep the local black bear momma at bay with a 10,000 volt/1.2 Joule output charger powering the poultry netting around my chickens enclosure.
Bait the wires with bacon. One good hit to the nose or mouth should get the job done.
I like the idea. I live in the countryside but we have few predators, foxes being the most prominent, but I've never seen them in our property and we have a 3.5ish foot electric fence. When we first got the hens they didn't know it was electric...they found out soon enough!
Hot wires with a high Joule output charger. I keep the local black bear momma at bay with a 10,000 volt/1.2 Joule output charger powering the poultry netting around my chickens enclosure.
Bait the wires with bacon. One good hit to the nose or mouth should get the job done.

I like the idea. I live in the countryside but we have few predators, foxes being the most prominent, but I've never seen them in our property and we have a 3.5ish foot electric fence. When we first got the hens they didn't know it was electric...they found out soon enough!

It’s a good idea, but I don’t have the money for an electric fence. I have read that chicken wire will not keep a bobcat out and that’s what I have. Any idea what kind of wire fencing will keep a bobcat out?
Thank you
I agree with @DobieLover. Electric wires are the best defense. I have them around my coops and pens and nothing messes with my birds. Once they get zapped they don't try again. You don't really need an electric fence but some electrical wire around your coop and pen. I use the poly rope wire but you can also get steel wire and aluminum wire too. The most expensive would be the charger. Many years ago I had a bobcat dig under a fence and kill 14 birds. It made the mistake of coming back for more. I caught it and eliminated it. This is the first bobcat I have seen in the many years since. The electric wires went up then after the kill. I also have welded wire with chicken wire. A bobcat outside my chick/grow-out coop around 3 weeks ago. One of my neighbors has seen it too. Good luck...
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Around my chick/grow-out coop and pens I have two wires.
2014-05-06 17.40.24.jpg

Around my outer coops I have two and three wires.
2014-11-18 17.08.29.jpg

Welded wire with chicken wire.
It’s a good idea, but I don’t have the money for an electric fence. I have read that chicken wire will not keep a bobcat out and that’s what I have. Any idea what kind of wire fencing will keep a bobcat out?
Thank you
An electric fence would be (a lot) less than any wire fencing that would be strong enough to deter a bobcat.
I have a very strong charger. If anything touches my wires, they are going to hurt for a couple of days. My coops and pens are pretty old. Some maintenance is due but with the electric wires, I can sleep at night. When I first put the wires up with my original charger I heard probably a coyote or fox test them. I believe the adult predators teach the young that a chicken isn't worth getting zapped for. Again, good luck...
I have read that chicken wire will not keep a bobcat out and that’s what I have. Any idea what kind of wire fencing will keep a bobcat out?

Chicken wire won't even keep a raccoon out. You'd need at least welded wire I would think, plus smaller opening wire for other predators and to prevent reach ins. I have chain link with hardware cloth over the bottom few feet and netting on top - as it is it's not "predator proof," but was enough to stop a bobcat twice until we got out to chase it off.

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