how big of a coop for 15 chickens


In the Brooder
May 19, 2015
ive been looking at pictures of medium and larged sized coops on here because I am going to build a new coop I know its 4 sq ft per bird but just wanted to know what size can I go with a 6x6 or 8x8 if anybody can post pictures of there coop who has 15 birds that would be extremely helpful
Will you have an attached run and, if so, will it be covered and what will it's dimensions be? What climate are you in? Are you planning to keep large fowl or bantams? Will your birds be confined for a majority of the time or able to range for most/all of the time?

I would go with the 8 X 8 over 6x6 -- the smaller is actually a bit on the small side for the flock size you plan to keep. I am firmly of the belief that there is no such thing as providing too much room for your birds, especially when so many issues that are encountered with keeping chickens can be traced to overcrowded conditions.
What OGM said.

You might follow the link in my signature for some of my thoughts on space requirements. I don’t believe in the 4 square feet guideline, it’s just a starting place. How much room you need depends on all kinds of different things. We are all unique. We keep them so many different ways that no one number is right for all of us. Space doesn’t just mean coop, it means how much room they have available when they need it. That could be coop, coop plus run, or something else.

I’ve found that the more I crowd them the more behavior problems I have to deal with, the less flexibility I have to deal with them, and the harder I have to work taking care of them.

If you are buying new building materials, the most economical generally come in 4’ or 8’ dimensions. You can usually save a lot of cutting and waste if you design around those dimensions. Your foundations and roof have to be accounted for but you can generally build an 8’x8’ instead of a 7’x7’ for almost no extra money and probably less work since you are not cutting as much. A 12’ dimension isn’t too bad either.
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yes I will have an attached run and I live in pa right now were in the high 80s but lately our winters have been pretty cold my run will probably be 8x20

Ive got 13 in here.........4x8 with add on 4x5 split level, roost in back, food water nesting boxes in front.. could easily add more.... the roost room in back has (4) 2x3's at angle, most of em sit on top row, lots of room, run is 10x20. we let em free range in evenings for about 3 hrs before dark
thankyou im just trying to figure out materiels in my head my wife wants a price quote were saving allot of money because im tearing down my old coop at my parents house I used to raise quail in which was 10x10 so I shouldn't need much
I have 12 and just built a 8x12 coop so even when we have real bad weather here in Maine and they might need to stay in they can with no problems and also extra room in case I add more next year.
Definitely go 8x8 or bigger. Like it was posted most sheet material is 4x8. I just built a 6x8 coop with 2x4 ft wings so it looks like a "T" and in hind sight it would have been cheaper to go 8x8 and build dividers.

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