How big does my goat house need to be?

chicken 86

In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
Is it okay to have a 3' by 3' house for 2 pygmy goats? If not, what is the smallest you could get away with?

Or what about a 2.5' by 4' ?
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3x3 might be big enough for ONE pygmy goat.

What kind of weather do you have where you live? Personally I think the more time an animal has to spend inside the larger the living quarters should be. Will they need to be fed in there in the winter? If you live in a temperate area and they just need a place to sleep then something small like a dog house should be ok. I know a lot of people do it.

I have standard size goats and they have a small barn to get in out of the wind/rain and summer sun.
I have a 6x10' for 2 Boers and a pygmy. They get fed in there, and have a hay rack. However, They also have a 5x5 covered deck that has 2 full walls and a half wall for rain and snow and wind. One or two normally sleep out there in the summer. So if you add that, they have about 85sq feet.

It was easy to add on so I think you would be able to do it.


eta: These were taken before it was totally finished
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It gets to about 100 sometimes and 70 at night in the summer and about 20 in the winter and 0 at night. It never blows much where I would put it.


There would also be a lot of shade because I would connect it to the chicken run that has a roof over it, plus its like 50% block of sun because of trees.

Or, I could make a section in the chicken house 2.5' by 4' with 2 stories.
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With your winter weather they will definitely need a reasonable size space to get in out of the weather, especially at night. It would be best if they could have a sheltered place with enough room for feeders and sleeping, especially in winter. Personally I wouldn't go smaller then 6 x 6 and to me that's still to small. When goats mature they get bossy and they do have a pecking order just like most any other animal. In too small a space the boss is always going to keep the other away from food, maybe out of the shelter altogether.

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