How and What Should I feed My CHICKENS, Turkeys, Ducks and Chicks??

Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

Sing the song of your soul 🎶 ✨️
Sep 8, 2023
Peaceful Woods, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! I'm S. Raven and I have 10 ducks, 2 turkeys, 31 chickens, and 5 chicks. As well as many Ameracaunas, Polish, and Silkies. I'm curiouse since I'm needing to buy more feed for my flock, preferably in bulk ( cheaper and healthier) and from a local feed place ( I live in AB CA, My last place I've been buying my feed from Rimbey. (Organic feed) I've never liked HI-PRO for they put cheap ingreidients into their feed.

Also what's the best feeder for ducks, turkeys, and chickens?? the chickens waste a lot!! And they knock the tube feeders over and step on their food. Turkeys are just giants and step in the dishes and spill it everywhere!!! Anyone from AB near Red deer, know of any good feed mills, that use good food without Canola?? Also wondering about any feeding hacks for giving them more nutrients, and clear them of leg mites.

Thank you !!! - :jumpy:thumbsup:woot
Vaseline rubbed into their legs will smother leg mites, I'd also clean out their coops completely, dust with permethrine and get all new bedding and litter. You want an all flock feed with oyster shell on the side, possibly with nutritional yeast for the ducks.
Vaseline rubbed into their legs will smother leg mites, I'd also clean out their coops completely, dust with permethrine and get all new bedding and litter. You want an all flock feed with oyster shell on the side, possibly with nutritional yeast for the ducks.
Thank you!! I have a question, what does Nutrional Yeast do for those Quackers?:frow:pop
If you make your own feed and leave the ingredients recognizable, each different species (as each individual) can select from it what they need. You might find this useful
:jumpy :jumpy :celebrate:lol::yuckyuck:clap:clap:woot:woot:woot:plbb:hugsThanks Perris!!! Lol for recommending auch a work of ART!! As a capricorn I reallllly love it!!
Spent 2 hrs going over the whole thing, seeing how my ducks will benifit, and finding my prefered ingredients aswell as their reginal names LOL! Going to go on a feed store search!! Wish me luck!!! Although I will kick those butts!!
My chickens will now resume laying!! Hi-Pro was making them stop!! Esspecially because I was feeding them milled feed, but ran out!! Fermentation TIME BABY!!
With love- RAVEN :D

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