How About This?

Nifty-Chicken - Sure, your the boss. I'm gonna be in my backyard getting my coop ready, I was just checking in and was surprised by the response. I'll be back Monday a.m. Thanks!
I don't really know for sure when the chicken bug bit me, but I do know it took me about a year to convince my hubby that I neededchickens. LOL Then one day out of the blue he says to me that a feed mill is having chics for sale for easter (straight run only). I did much research on the net trying to decide what the best breed was for my area & weather. I dediced on Aracaunas. I called & waited till after the holiday to order mine as I wanted only 3 hens & a roo. When the call came in that they were there I took off work to pick them up. After I got to looking at them I decided they were not Aracaunas but in fact Red Sex Links. I havent look back since. After a mink got in & killed the girls & was left with the lone rooster. I decided he needed company. Hubby used our tax check that year & went out & bought a kit that came with blue prints & all the needed supplies to build me a real chicken house. He even gave up one week of his vacation to finish it in time for the peeps to go into after they were out growing their brooder in the kitchen. I now have 2 pens & would have more but hubby says he is not giving up anymore of the yard. LOL
I started telling my DH sometime in 2005 that I wanted chickens. My DH loves eggs & we are trying to be somewhat sufficient on our tiny suburban lot. First I said I wanted three, then I changed it to six & in march of 2006 we ordered 25, but I adopted out all but EIGHT.
Aren't you proud of me? Thats less than 3 times the original amount I said I'd have:D
Anyway, I know of two other people in my neighborhood w/chickens & several more within a few miles.
I do think its becoming somewhat of a trend.
I had been wanting chickens for well over a year before getting my three little chicks in March 2006. They've been a fabulous addition to our home.
We live in OC, in a regular ol' neighborhood on a 6400 sf lot, most of it in the front. My neighbors are fascinated with my chickens and they benefit from my extra eggs. I have three sets of friends with chickens, one of which got me going and one of which I got going. My book is out visiting another family and my brooder may soon join them.
I keep working on some of my other friends, but I think they think I may be a little obsessed. ha ha.

I do think that it is probably part of a larger trend. The market for organic food is exploding and magazines like TIME are doing stories on the environmental and health benefits of locally grown produce. It's so easy to keep chickens, even in my 25' X 64' backyard. There is a movement toward a sustainable food system that is probably a backlash against globalism, environmental pollution, and the recent food scares from factory farming.

As for me, I would LOVE to live on a small farmette and truly learn to be as self sufficient as possible. 'Course that would mean that I'd need more chickens. Hmmmmmmmmmm.
I had thought about getting a few chickens for awhile, ever since we moved out into the country, but my catalyst was my Golden Retriever. He passed away in January, and since I didn't want to just go out and replace him with another dog, I decided I would try chickens. Kept my mind off my poor Bo, and now that the chicks are here, I am having a BLAST!

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