Hot weather coops for 6-8 birds?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Any of you in hot weather areas like TX, AZ etc willing to share coop pics/plans? Just got 6 silkies and we're gonna need something 7x4 at largest. Preferably raised for flood season, with good ventilation and airflow for humid 98°F summers.
@BallsEleven nice, yeah we could do 4x8 if we swap location but currently it would need to be 7' max to fit amongst the trees and fence line of suggested location. We may swap and do 8 feet though. Lol we can't go any bigger or we'll end up getting more birds. My previous coop was 14*7 and I fit around 30 birds in there. We don't have the space to free roam birds any more especially due to off leash dogs commonly in the nieghborhood so we plan to build for 8 birds max with total reinforcement from dogs, Hawks etc.and account for seasonal flooding of around 6 or so inches in a day. We'll figure it out somehow 😅
When you say 7x4 you are talking about just the hen house, right?

Of course a walk-in henhouse is best, but it may be hard to elevate a walk in henhouse enough to avoid flood waters. Perhaps a coop that is raised 3-4' off the ground so the underside can have roosts and be a protected area during rain and from the sun. They love covered outdoor areas.
@Sonya9 yes just the hen house the run will likely be 10x10 or similar. I definitely prefer walk in but I don't think it's doable given the crazy amount of water we'll have for a week at a time or more in some cases, especially since they're silkies I'd be concerned about them getting drenched and catching chill. I'm thinking of a 4*7 or 4*8 henhouse whith nest boxes and perches whith a run and possibly set up some raised platforms in the run so they can come out in the flood water and not get wet.
@Sonya9 yes just the hen house the run will likely be 10x10 or similar. I definitely prefer walk in but I don't think it's doable given the crazy amount of water we'll have for a week at a time or more in some cases, especially since they're silkies I'd be concerned about them getting drenched and catching chill. I'm thinking of a 4*7 or 4*8 henhouse whith nest boxes and perches whith a run and possibly set up some raised platforms in the run so they can come out in the flood water and not get wet.
I have never lived with flood waters but what about something like a terraced run? Literally a boxed in elevated section that should be above the flood, and lower section.

Regardless of the run, if you elevate the hen house make sure to make the area underneath comfy with roost bars and maybe even plastic or shade cloth on one or two sides keep sun/rain out. They would love that. It would be a shame to waste that space.

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