Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Love seeing this thread is still active.

just for background for the newer subscribers, my kids go to public school but my 2 boys have had to do work for me to keep advancing.

My frustration is a poor performing district. WIth smart, willing to learn students such a district doesnot bode well.

Last year my youingest, mr brilliant, scored an 88 on the baseline math testing in the fall. ANd given the schools attitude, e proceeded to learn pretty much nothing....dumbing him down, as his final spring test produced a 92 or 94, cant remember which now. He is a doogie houser stuck in a a crappy situation. His MCAS scores are far above the average district numbers.

My older boy started the local votech school in the fall . AND LOVES IT. He can work ahead in his online tech course work. Which allows him to do extra activites during class time when others are required to work to get up to date, he is selected to go do extra work . WHOOOT!! He is also doing well in Honors classes. He is among other students that work at his speed.

My 2 cents is YOU are your childs greatest encouragement and support!!! Learning can be work, and it should be rewarding. My kids would not be where they are now IF I let them only do basic work when they were capable AND ready for more.
We're having a tough day in the trenches today. Its one of those days when everybody is grumpy & mad at me for 'making' them do stuff they don't like. I just thought I'd sneak on here to say...
We're having a tough day in the trenches today. Its one of those days when everybody is grumpy & mad at me for 'making' them do stuff they don't like. I just thought I'd sneak on here to say...
HA! That is almost every day at my place but some days they push me over the edge.... God Bless Teachers. I don't know how they do it and keep their sanity.

This too shall pass... we hope.
How cool is this?! I am new to BYC however not new to chickens or homeschooling. This is awesome to find this thread here. My son is now 11. I have been homeschooling not really we are on our third year now. Some days it does seem like forever. Anyways it's nice to meet everyone!
How cool is this?! I am new to BYC however not new to chickens or homeschooling. This is awesome to find this thread here. My son is now 11. I have been homeschooling not really we are on our third year now. Some days it does seem like forever. Anyways it's nice to meet everyone!


We are in our third full year as well.
Had a *()#*$%&%^@#&*@( *#*#&#&*#(#(#( day due to public school district.

Anyone remember which post has all the wonderful links listed by DRippy?
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How cool is this?! I am new to BYC however not new to chickens or homeschooling. This is awesome to find this thread here. My son is now 11. I have been homeschooling not really we are on our third year now. Some days it does seem like forever. Anyways it's nice to meet everyone!

Welcome ChickADeeHatch!!!

Thanks for reposting this! I sometimes get so lost in The Crazy, that I forget how many great resources are available.

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