Homemade nutri drench?

I'm not sure? I'm really so discouraged. Two weeks ago I bought 6 chicks. Did everything by the book and 4 died! So this past wed I bought 9 more totaling 11 combined with original 2. Yesterday I noticed one little one standing alone very lethargic so I separated her and hand watered her gave her wet med feed and a grape to entice her. She made it threw the night but died today. ( yesterday I started them all on corrid because of her and the all had runny poops). Tonight another got really lethargic mouth breathing finally gasping and died. I wanted to get them the nutri drench figured it couldn't hurt? I'm just so bummed about it
Also I tried giving them all a little honey and water tonight there are couple that seem quieter then the others but now maybe I'm paranoid and looking?
I suspect it could be cocci. You might have to administer the corid treated water via eyedropper since the chicks are probably too sick to drink the treated water on their own. Place a couple of drops on the side of the beak, you might have to manipulate the beak to open to get them to swallow. Be careful not to aspirate them with too much of the liquid. Do this until they are able to drink the treated water on their own. Remove chicks from the brooder. Disinfect the brooder, waterer, and feeder with ammonia water solution, not bleach. Rinse and dry everything thoroughly before placing the chicks back in the brooder. Give them fresh water and feed. Do not give them vitamin supplements including nutri drench while treating for cocci. You can try giving them buttermilk, not yogurt...if you wish.
I know this is a far past thread, but do you know how to make homemade nutridrench? I'm in desperate need of it

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