Home made waterer question


8 Years
Sep 19, 2011
Kalama, Washington
I just got 3 more chicks last week, I know how fast they grow so I didn't want to buy a small waterer. I made one out of some recycled stuff and used hot glue. This is where my question comes in, Is it safe to use hot glue for the waterer or is the glue toxic to birds? I know that it is just silicone but I still am a bit worried. Here is a picture of it.
That's an awesome design!! I've heard it both ways, I think a lot of people like to use aquarium safe sealant for stuff like that but I don't think it would hurt the chicks to use hot glue. (then again I'm a newbie and don't know much more than I've read on here so I'd see what someone else says first)
I have looked and haven't found any MSDS style information on hot melt glue. From a practical perspective, I would imagine that it is no worse than the plastic in the remainder of the components involved.

Since the temperature at which it is used is nowhere near the melting point and the short time the water or food is in contact with it, it seems that anything in it would not leach out. I use it to make food containers for my chickens.

So, no clear answer.

We've used hot glue in aquariums with no problems, as do a lot of other people. I would think it would be fine for the waterer. If you wanted an affordable alternative for peace of mind, Liquid Nails brand sells a small tube of 100% silicone for just a couple dollars. I got mine at Home Depot. It's cheaper and much easier to work with then the big tubes meant for caulking guns.

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