Holy Sheet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering what is going to happen in the future when my chickens are grown and a big storm hits.. or worse, a tornado. What would I do? I cant imagine having the attitude "Well i can always get more chickens if these are killed in a storm"... Not good! So what do you do to keep your chickens safe in a storm besides a sturdy coop?
If you dont have a sturdy coop....altho you should...you can always take them into the garage. Well, depending on how many you have. I have over 40...and DH would KILL me if I brought them into the garage.
I am thinking about that same thing here. We live on the coast of North Carolina, and get the occasional hurricane. What do I do about my coop?! I worry about my house flying away, let alone a little chicken coop and all my babies. And the hurricanes that have been through here the last two years drop foot after foot of rain for days. Not sure how I will be able to take care of my chickens in that kind of weather.
Bad weather blew through here this afternoon. A dead tree broke in half in our yard. I ran out to the chicken coop/goat stable to find most of the chickens in the goat stable, some in the chicken coop and a few walking around outside, like, no big deal!!

My boy goat, Billy, was scared and facing the corner of the stable. His twin sister, Ginger, was standing among the chicks.

Luckily the bad weather didn't last long.
storm came through here Wed. night. Always at night!
My DH was asleep and I was reading in bed. I almost threw my book across the room when the first unexpected crack of thunder hit. Even the dogs were freaked out. It was fast moving, thank goodness. Didn't seem to bother my chickens at all.
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