Holy Bantam I found an owl in my chimney

Gigachad poultry

Dec 24, 2022
Vicenza IT
So I'm freaking out right now, I just found a baby Little Owl in my chimney! I ...I ...I can even think of what to do, I do have a friend who does falconry so I told them and they are trying to figure something out. I've been looking into falconry and I think this lil guy might be the way to do that. I caught him and put him in a spare bird cage. I know a lot about these types of owl and i.know what they eat and when, and I don't actually know any rehabilitation centers that aren't 5 hours away. He obviously can't fly or step on a pet h and h can only adorably waddle around. What to do? I can't see his parents anywhere.
Here's some pictures of him

I contacted my friends who do falconry (they hand reared the runts from wild clutches) I'm waiting for them to respond and Ive been looking for an owlet to do falconry and I'm asking them if this is my ticket. There are tons of feral cats who regularly hunt and kill any fledgling birds or hawks they find and one actually took one of my chickens a bit ago. Until I get a response from them I will keep him in a safe calm place where no one will go. Also his claws have been absolutely destroyed trying to climb back up my chimney so he can't hurt anything and they are completely blunt. I realized that while holding him. I still wouldn't dare try to touch him.
That is a little owl. I hear keeping most owls is illegal.
Yeah, I keep seeing more and more people who are uninformed on falconry or people who don't know what it is. Falconry can be done with any type of bird of prey, it's also super important as people who do falconry as they help with the pigeon problem and help with starling control. I aspire to become someone who does falconry and become a ornithologist after college and Inform other people about this amazing hobby. Although you do need the proper permits and go through a test to aquire that said permit.
Yeah, I keep seeing more and more people who are uninformed on falconry or people who don't know what it is. Falconry can be done with any type of bird of prey, it's also super important as people who do falconry as they help with the pigeon problem and help with starling control. I aspire to become someone who does falconry and become a ornithologist after college and Inform other people about this amazing hobby. Although you do need the proper permits and go through a test to aquire that said permit.
You need to acquire the licenses and permits before you acquire the birds when it comes to falconry. So even if falconers is keep owls, you can't until you are legally a falconer. That is why people are telling you that it is illegal to keep it
You need to acquire the licenses and permits before you acquire the birds when it comes to falconry. So even if falconers is keep owls, you can't until you are legally a falconer. That is why people are telling you that it is illegal to keep it
Yeah, I went to the guy who runs the raptor rehab, and it turns out they are old enough to be what is called hacked. That is when you put them in a safe tree and put a box in it. That is where you put food for them. They will then call for their parents and you will keep feeding them until they are ready to fly but they aren't in your possession. So I did that last night and I heard the chicks calling and ever sense march I've been hearing barn owl, and long eared owls. Next summer I'm going to try to obtain the needed licenses and permits need and I will hopefully be able to help some of the farms and other people who have the pigeon problem of the pigeons eating the food for the livestock. Of course for a small fee of something like 5 euros for every 10 pigeons. That way I get infinite food for my bird and they don't have to deal with pigeons.

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